Web Stories Hindi

Web Stories Hindi
Love Affair🤣
He who loves regrets and he who does not love also regrets. If you haven't loved you will regret thinking…
किस ने बरबाद किया😭😩
In common parlance, people often say that those who eat wedding laddus will repent even those who do not eat them. Those who were not married, they say…
प्यार करने वाले कभी डरते नहीं😍
Moving from childhood to youth. That was the freedom of college after the restrictions of the school. Boyhood's first love…
गहरी दोस्ती😁😎
Friendship in itself is a wonderful gift from God. In childhood, as soon as we leave the safe environment of the home, we met children like ourselves in school…
पढ़ाई का साया 😩
Nowadays, in the era of the communication revolution, the attention of children has completely shifted away from studies. In the time of Corona…
इश्क की चोट 😨
Love is such a nice word. Everyone is looking for love. Love has different meanings for everyone. It is also the love of…
गर्लफ्रेंड से शादी 👧
It is very easy to love and very difficult to keep. In the days of youth, we understand natural attraction as love, but whenever that love comes down to the surface of truth…
आदमी का जीवन : Hindi Hasya Kavita
पुरुष की जब शादी होने वाली होती है तो वह बड़े उत्साह में जी रहा होता है। इसी बात पर एक छोटी हास्य कविता प्रस्तुत (Hindi Hasya Kavita) है। आनंद लीजिए।
हसीन दिलकश
Love is such a precious gift from God. The word love sounds lovely. Beauty affects the personality of man and love remains in that beauty.
I was on my way home from my office. There is a college on the way. The road was very jammed and I got stuck in the jam. The jam was so much that…
दो बातों को
My nephew came to stay with me during summer vacations. We all used to go for a walk on the banks of the river every day in the evening and when…
स्टेटस ज्ञान
Knowledge is an ocean that has no beginning and no end. Nowadays everyone is sitting with full preparation to give Gyan…
हथियार क्यों
The quarrel between husband and wife is common. Whatever the case, the wife wins by swearing in front of her husband to make her point…
बच्चा गुम
The relationship between mother and child is a divine relation. Motherhood has the form of divinity on this earth…
सफल आदमी😀
Behind every successful man, there is a woman. She understands all the qualities, strengths, and…
आज की महोब्बत❤️
Love is the art of living life, love is the foundation of human life. The funny thing is that everyone looks at love from a different point of view…
सुनो सहेली 👧👩🦰
I and my wife went to the market shopping. As soon as we went inside the crockery shop, it was very crowded…
न्याय 🧑⚖️
It was the summer vacation. My sister had come to spend her holidays with her children. It was Sunday, and my brother-in-law was…
भूतिया हवेली
There was a gathering of old friends. On that day, there was talk of bravery in talks. All the friends started telling stories of their bravery…
My childhood friend came to my house with his wife. We were remembering the old days. I remembered a funny story…
Ladies love to wear ornaments. In today's world, where inflation is at its peak, unemployment is also spreading its feet. In such a situation, nowadays robbers are looting people from place to place.
अधूरा इश्क
Love is a beautiful feeling, which has the power to make our life beautiful. True love is selfless and pure. But…
टिक्की समोसा
We are very careful about the purchase of vegetables and fruits. But we don't care about purchasing street food and fast food…
Accident गल्ती
I was going towards the house on my bike, I saw a very crowded place. Out of curiosity, I saw there has been an accident…
देर हो रही थी
Often through jokes it is tried to prove that men talk less, but what about women, they keep on talking…
A friend of ours was about to get married. He had doubts as to how his wife would handle him. Today's meeting was for all of us friends to give marriage tips to that friend.
The winter season is very pleasant and nice. Fog often occurs in the morning and it becomes difficult to see even a distance…
True love is the most precious and pure. Love is that ocean of deep feelings in your heart, in which there is no possibility of personal selfishness…
अचार का विचार
Marriage is a very unique relationship. The more you save it with love, the more you will enjoy this relationship. But…
बुरा वक्त
When a man is alone, time does not pass by. I realized this a few days ago. My wife had gone home with the kids…
Due to Corona, smartphones were handed over to the students for online study. The hope was that this mobile would fill the gap in their school, but…
Love का बवाल
Have you ever loved someone? If you have done so, then the persuasion must have continued. I remembered a funny story from a friend of mine, listen.
The examination does not work for the student out of fear. Like a ghost riding on his head and he gets sleepless nights.
I and my friend were going somewhere on scooty. A biker came from the front and hit our scooty. We both fell down…
After the opening of the lockdown, some friends were able to meet each other after a long time. All of my friends were sitting in the park. A conversation started…
बीवी मुसीबत
Women are normally sensitive and want a partner who understands them. Be intelligent and respect their work. But…
स्कूल की परिभाषा
The emotional, social, moral, and spiritual development of the child, so that he can lay the foundation of his life. A laughing story in a school…
Corona Gone
From the band bajawalas to the tent walls are busy during the wedding season. The coronavirus hit the wedding market and…
आप ना रह जाएं पीछे
Nowadays children and even youngsters never eat healthy food. They love fast food. A funny story of my sister-in-law who loves fast food…
जिंदगी की जंग
War does not mean only fighting, trying to live life is also war. When we were going to the wedding of my aunt's son an ambulance came from behind with the sound of a siren…
चालू Courier वाला
It is the age of online and all the products are available online. Online shopping, while providing great offers to the customers, also provides an open platform, but …
The Covid-19 pandemic has changed the world to a great extent. A doctor came to see a patient in society, and the security guard of the society was taking the temperature of the doctor.
Modern technology had changed life very fast. Now even small kids are exposed to mobiles. Good or bad?
Currently, it is impossible to imagine life without a smartphone. Different 3G, 4G, and now 5G networks are also going to be available on it, but…
Ladies love to wear ornaments. In today's world, where inflation is at its peak, unemployment is also spreading its feet. In such a situation, nowadays robbers are looting people from place to place.
गजब की धूप
The summer season goes on in full swing. If someone has to go out for some work in the afternoon, it seems that some punishment has been given to him. But envious of progress…
Some friends were going to give an exam in a new city. One of the boys had come to that city before, so he was giving his knowledge to all his friends, but it was disturbing to all.
Due to the convenient and cheap availability of mobiles almost every person has the facility of mobile. But to get perfect internet speed is challenge.
किश्तों पे ज़िंदगी
In the olden times when there was no communication revolution, people used to keep in touch with their relatives through letters. But now….
खोट्टी किस्मत
Brake up ! What a strange word this is. Especially for us Indians. Nowadays people of high society do breakup party too. But..
Some subjects are very difficult for children in school. One such student had a lot of trouble with Physics. Now listen to his thoughts and …
कोरा कागज
In the bitter reality of life sometimes dreams don't come true. My friend was about to become a doctor, but he fell in love and …
छोटी सी ज़िंदगी
Exams are very stressful for students and if your birthday comes within the exam times then…
सरकारी और Convent School
Education is perhaps the most important foundation on which a child's future rests. If the quality of education is good, then it will be pleasant, but there is a lot of confusion…
Husband की अनोखी चीज
It can never happen in married life that there is no dispute between husband and wife. These small quarrels are not necessarily bad but they also strengthen relationship between husband and wife, but
We are all very happy when our wedding is about to take place. We have high expectations from our future life. But after marriage when expectations are not fulfilled then…
Alcohol is a social evil. If a relationship of friendship is added with alcohol that is, if some friends consume it together it is even worse.
मेरी जंग
When a person enters the house from his workplace with his workload, he hopes that he will get some rest after going home, but…
The paucity of time is the truth of this Kali Yuga. By sending messages, we definitely keep in touch with them. Still…
We all keep getting stuck in some trouble. But in difficult times, we need someone to blame for it. Just watch it…
Relatives, who look at the bond of love and trust with respect, are few in today's world. In a greedy and selfish world, one has to beware of relatives whose dagger is hidden behind their smile.
In today's modern era, is there anything without which our work cannot go on? All of you will have only one answer smartphone. But what about addiction of smartphone?
Three friends were talking, One of the wise men was saying, We try our best to achieve our goal. Heavy lecture …
We were very young. A Kavi Sammelan was organized inside our city. it was boaring. My friend also said something…
Ice Cube
The summer season is in full swing. When I went to the fridge to drink water, I saw that the water in any bottle was not cold.
School में शरारत
Have you ever played pranks in your school? Let me tell you a prank from my childhood. One day I took a donkey to school.
A girl had become friends during college time. The matter was still in its early stages. One day we both had to go on a date.
Viral झगड़ा
Nowadays technology has become very advanced. Earlier, how far did one have to go away from home to make a phone call and nowadays every man has a mobile in his pocket.
A boy is given more importance than the girl. We all know about this social anomaly, but if something reverses then…
वफादार Dogee
This is a story of a loyal dog. A man went to another man to buy a dog and he said I want a cute and loyal dog, is your dog loyal?
मुश्किल एग्जाम
Exam is such a word listening to which good people get sweat. It has become difficult for the children of today because they even have a smart phone nowadays and most of their time is spent on mobile.
दिल चीर के देख
If there is love and there is no quarrel, then there is no fun. This sweet tussle makes love play out more vigorously.
मैं और मेरा मोबाइल
Smartphones have revolutionized the world. Nowadays mobile phone addiction among children is giving rise to special negative effects.
At the time of marriage, husband and wife make many kinds of promises to each other… All this also leads to quarrels.
Web Stories Hindi
In order to control marriage, one has to adjust to the difficult aspects of life. It can be difficult to merge two different lifestyles into one, especially since both have emotions involved.
चांद और उल्लू
Love has no age, no limit. Often the boy compares the girl with the rose, sometimes with the moon to impress the girl.
सोच कर बताएगा
After mariage we can't all the decisions ourself, there are also wife and children at home and their responsibility is also on us.
पुराना दोस्त
In these busy days we miss a lot. It also includes some of our relationships and some old friends. If we get a call from a forgotten friend, we feel very happy but…
You all must have seen how auto rickshaw drivers pack their rides in the rush hour. An auto rickshaw driver was getting married.
औरतों की दुःख की वजह
We all know that some women remain unhappy after marriage. There can be many reasons for this, such as not being with husband, not being with mother-in-law, not fulfilling some aspiration or workload.
बस का टिकट
All of you must have traveled in a bus at one time or another. We all know that some bus drivers drive very dangerously. Listen to the story of such a dangerous bus driver…
Nowadays we are all so engaged in technology, that the use of technology in every work of ours has become very much. One such five or six year old child heard a news on television that …
A common problem that men often face these days is the estrangement between mother and wife. If he takes side of mother, the wife gets angry and if he takes side of wife, the mother gets angry.
We often see that boys use all kinds of tricks to attract girls. Sometimes they go round after them, sometimes they whistle or. ..
MOBILE चुराओ
Now a days in Indian wedding sister-in-law do not steal shoes of groom. Then what she steals?
कसरत के लाभ
We all know that exercise has many benefits.We are very fond of eating, so then listen to the excuse of a man who steals from exercise.
Bus में
A man was traveling in a bus. He asked the bus conductor that how long do you stay in the bus? Enjoy the conversation between the man and the bus conductor.
कल का LESSON
In class, the teacher asked a student to recite the lesson I taught yesterday. The student said that he does not remember.
Car of Friend
Your friends ask for your car and take it away? In friendship, you cannot even refuse and you do not even feel like giving a car.
Happily Unmarried
The love between husband and wife can increase due to their mutual arguments, but keep in mind that this quarrel should not be to make each other look inferior.